Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Penulis : Aning Subiyatin

Abstrak :

Buku ini membahas tentang Konsep Dokumentasi1 : Pengertian dokumentasi, Tujuan dan fungsi dokumetasi, Prinsip-prinsip dokumentasi. Teknik dan Model Dokumentasian: Teknik naratif, Teknik flowsheet/ceklist, Model Problem Oriented Record(POR), Model Source Oriented Record(SOR), Model Charting by Expection (CBE), Model Kardeks, Model Base Control Based Patient Record. Model Pendokumentasian3 SOAPIER, SOAPIE, SOAPIED, SOAP. System Pengumpulan Data Rekam Medic (RS, Puskesmas, BPM).  Sistem Dokumentasi Pelayanan Pada Rawat Jalan Dan Rawat Inap4  : Sistem Pengumpulan Data Rekam Medis, Sistem Pengumpulan Data Di Rumah Sakit, Sistem Pengumpulan Data Di Puskesmas Dan Bidan Praktik Mandiri (BPM), Proses Pengolahan Rekam Medik. Prinsip Pendokumentasian Dalam Manajemen Kebidanan dan Teknik Penulisan Pendokumentasian Pada Ibu Hamil, Ibu Bersalin,Iibu Nifas, Bayi Baru Lahir dan Keluarga Berencana (KB) : Konsep manajemen kebidanan, Teknik penulisan pendokumentasian pada ibu hamil, Teknik penulisan pendokumentasian pada ibu bersalin, Teknik penulisan pendokumentasian pada bayi baru lahir, Teknik penulisan pendokumentasian pada ibu nifas, Teknik penulisan pendokumentasian pada akseptor KB.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Penulis : Sih Rini Handayani

Abstrak :

Buku ini membahas tentang : KONSEP DASAR DOKUMENTASI1 : Tujuan dan Fungsi Dokumentasi, Prinsip-Prinsip Dokumentasi, Aspek Legal dalam Dokumentasi, Manfaat Dokumentasi Kebidanan, TEKNIK DOKUMENTASI,2   :  Pentingnya Dokumentasi Naratif, Teknik Dokumentasi Flow Sheet, MODEL DOKUMENTASI,3  :  Model Dokumentasi Problem Oriented Record (POR), Model Dokumentasi Sourch Oriented Record (SOR), Model Dokumentasi Charting By Exception (CBE), Model Dokumentasi Kardek, Model Dokumentasi Sistem Komputerisasi (Computer Based Patient Record / CPR), SISTEM PENGUMPULAN DATA REKAM MEDIK DAN SISTEM DOKUMENTASI PELAYANAN,4  : Sistem Pengumpulan Data Rekam Medik di Rumah Sakit, Sistem Pengumpulan Data Rekam Medik di Puskesmas dan Praktik Mandiri Bidan (PMB), Sistem Dokumentasi Pelayanan Rawat Jalan, Sistem Dokumentasi Pelayanan Rawat Inap, METODE DOKUMENTASI, PRINSIP PENDOKUMENTASIAN DAN PERANCANGAN FORMAT, Metode Dokumentasi, Prinsip Pendokumentasian Manajemen Kebidanan, Rancangan Format Pendokumentasian, PENDOKUMENTASIAN ASUHAN KEBIDANAN DENGAN SOAP,6  : Tinjauan Teori Asuhan Kebidanan dengan SOAP, Contoh Kasus Asuhan Kebidanan dengan SOAP.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Abstrak :

This book is about Midwifery Around The World,1 The State Of Midwifery Today,Moving Forward,Country Profiles.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Abstrak :

This book is about What are the Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care?1  Why implement the Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care?,2   What is the purpose of the Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care?,3  How are the Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care structured?,4  How were the Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care developed?, For which audience are the Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care intended?,How can the Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care be utilized?. 

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Penulis : Crown

Abstrak :

This book is about Becoming Pregnant,1  How Your Baby Develops,Your Health In Pregnancy,Antenatal Care,Conditions And Problems In Pregnancy,Choosing Where To Have Your Baby,Feelings And Relationships,Labour And Birth,Feeding Your Baby,The First Days With Your Baby,10  What You Need For Your Baby,11  The Early Weeks: You,12  The Early Weeks: Your Baby,13  Babies Who Need Additional Care, 14  The Loss Of Your Baby,15   Thinking About The Next Baby?,16   Rights And Benefits.17

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Penulis : No Name

Abstrak :

This book is about Becoming pregnant,1  Now you are pregnant,2  How your baby develops and grows, Getting to know your baby,4  Your health in pregnancy,5  Antenatal care, Conditions and problems in pregnancy,7  Feelings and relationships, Labour and birth,9  Feeding your baby,10  The first days with your baby,11  What you need for your baby,12   The early weeks: you,13  The early weeks: your baby,14  Babies who need additional care,15  The loss of your baby,16  Thinking about the next baby?,17  Your rights and benefits.18

Abstrak :

The Scientific Method,1 A Little Bit Of Probability2, Mostly About Statistics3, Mostly About Epidemiology4, Mostly About Screening5, Mostly About Clinical Trials6, Mostly About Quality Of Life7, Mostly About Genetic Epidemiology8, Risk Prediction And Risk Classification9, Research Ethics And Statistics10.

Abstrak :

Section 1: The body and its constituents1, Introduction to the human body2, Introduction to the chemistry of life3, The cells tissues and organisation of the body4, Section 2: Communication5, The blood6, The cardiovascular system7, The lymphatic system8, The nervous system9, The special senses10, The endocrine system11,  Section 3: Intake of  raw materials and elimination of waste12, The respiratory system13, Introduction to nutrition14, The digestive system15, The urinary system16, Section 4: Protection and survival17, The skin18, Resistance and immunity19, The musculoskeletal system20, Introduction to genetics21, The reproductive systems22.

Abstrak :

An Introduction To The Human Body 1, The Chemical Level Of Organization2, The Cellular Level Of Organization3 , The Tissue Level Of Organization4 , The Integumentary System5 , The Skeletal System: Bone Tissue 6, The Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton7, The Skeletal System: The Appendicular Skeleton8, Muscular Tissue9, The Muscular System10, Nervous Tissue11 ,The Spinal Cord And Spinal Nerves12, The Brain And Cranial Nerves13,The Autonomic Nervous System, Sensory, Motor, And Integrative Systems14,The Special Senses15, The Endocrine System16, The Cardiovascular System: The Blood17, The Cardiovascular System: The Heart18,The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels And Hemodynamics19, The Lymphatic System And Immunity20, The Respiratory System21, The Digestive System22, Metabolism And Nutrition23, The Urinary System24,  Fluid25, Electrolyte26, And Acid–Base Homeostasis27, The Reproductive Systems28, Development And Inheritance29.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Penulis : Kemenkes RI

Abstrak :

Buku ini membahas tentang Persiapan penanganan Bayi baru lahir, Perawatan neonatal esensial bayi saat lahir  (0-6 jam), Perawatan neonatal esensial setelah lahir (6 jam - 28 hari), Tata laksnan neonatus yang lahir dari ibu dengan infeksi, Pencatatan dan pelaporan.