Penulis : Yeong Kwok, dkk

Abstrak :

This Is Book About Osteogenesis Imperfecta1, Phenylketonuria2, Fragile X–Associated Mental Retardation3, Mitochondrial Disorders: Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy/Mitochondrial Encephalopathy with Ragged Red Fibers (LHON/MERRF)4, Down Syndrome5, Severe Combined Immunodefi ciency Disease6, Common Variable Immunodefi Ciency7, Acquired Immunodefi ciency Syndrome (AIDS)8, Infective Endocarditis9, Meningitis10, Pneumonia11, Diarrhea, Infectious12, Sepsis, Sepsis Syndrome, Septic Shock13, Carcinoid Syndrome from Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET)14, Colon Carcinoma15, Breast Cancer16, Testicular Carcinoma17, Osteosarcoma18, Lymphoma19, Leukemia20, Iron Defi ciency Anemia21, Vitamin B12 Defi ciency/Pernicious Anemia22, Cyclic Neutropenia23, Immune Th rombocytopenic Purpura24, Hypercoagulable States25, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Motor Neuron Disease)26, Parkinson Disease27, Myasthenia Gravis28, Dementia29, Epilepsy30.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Abstrak :

Buku ini membahas tentang Konsep Dasar Kegawatdaruratan Maternal Neonatal: Konsep Dasar Kegawatdaruratan Maternal Neonatal, Deteksi Kegawatdaruratan Maternal, Deteksi Kegawatdaruratan Neonatal. Asuhan Kebidanan Kegawatdaruratan Maternal Neonatal Masa Kehamilan2Asuhan Kegawatdaruratan Kehamilan Muda, Asuhan Kegawatdaruratan Kehamilan Lanjut, Asuhan Kegawatdaruratan Syok Obstetri. Asuhan Kegawatdaruratan Maternal Neonatal Masa Persalinan. Asuhan Kebidanan Kegawatdaruratan Maternal Neonatal Pada Masa Nifas.4  Rujukan Kegawatdaruratan Maternal Neonatal.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Abstrak :

Buku ini membahas tentang Asuhan Kebidanan Neonatus, Bayi, Balita, Dan Anak Pra Sekolah.

Abstrak :

Fundamentals1, Temperature, Energy2, Blood3, Respiration, Add-Base Balance4, Kidney, Salt and Water Balance5, Stomach, Intestines, Liver6, Heart and Circulation7, Metabolic Disorders8, Hormones9, Neuromuscular and Sensory Systems10.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Penulis : Western Health

Abstrak :

This Book is about Mission Statement, Western Health Introduction, Western Health Recent Capital Development, Sunshine Hospital, Maternity Services, Models of Care,  Inpatient Care, Clinical Rotation Pathway, Supernumerary Experience, Meals, Lockers, Smoking, Library, Rosters, Pay Enquiries, Salary Packaging,  Sick Leave, Planned Leave,Emergency Response, Paging System, LAN Paging System,  Phone Numbers,  Computer Access, iPM 41 BOSV6, Webmail, RosterOn,  Policy and Procedures, Bossnet, Midwifery Handover, Interpreter Services, Clinical Markers (ISBAR), Section Four Manual Handling, Infection Control, Adult Blood Collection, Paediatric Blood Collection, Swab Collection, Cord and Maternal Blood Collection, Newborn Screening Test, Section Five Quality and Clinical Governance, Incident Management, Morbidity and Mortality Meetings, Accreditation, Baby Friendly Health Initiative, 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding,  Quality Tools and Mechanisms,Section Six Clinical Performance and Review, Midwifery Registration, Professional Indemnity Insurance, National Midwifery Guidelines, Education, Continuing Professional Development, Mandatory Competencies, Midwifery Students, Section Seven Clinical Area Checklists, Useful Links, Acknowledgements.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Penulis : Kemenkes RI

Abstrak :

Buku ini membahas tentang  : Materi Komunikasi, Informasi, dan Edikadukasi Pedoman Untuk Puskesmas dalam Pemberdayaan Lanjut Usia.

Abstrak :

This Is Book About Four Serious Flaws In Our Health Information System1, Primer On Medical Records2, Expression Of Clinical Concepts3, Retrieval Of Medical Record Informations4, Codes And Coding5, Classifications And Classifying6, Diagnosis Classifications7, Problem And Solutions: Getting The Most From Our Health Informations System8, Coding System9, Other Resource Materials10.

Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan

Abstrak :

This Book is about Prenatal Assessment and Conditions1 : Fetal Assessment and Prenatal Diagnosis,Diabetes Mellitus, Thyroid Disorders, Preeclampsia and Related Conditions. Assessment and Treatment in the Immediate Postnatal Period : Resuscitation in the Delivery Room, Birth Trauma, The High-Risk Newborn: Anticipation, Evaluation, Management, and Outcome, Assessment of the Newborn History and Physical Examination of the Newborn, Care of the Well Newborn. General Newborn Condition3 : Common Genetic Problems in the Newborn, Multiple Births, Maternal Drug Abuse, Exposure, and Withdrawal, Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant, Developmentally Supportive Care, Temperature Control, Follow-up Care of Very Preterm and Very Low Birth Weight Infants, Neonatal Transport, Discharge Planning, Decision Making and Ethical Dilemmas, Management of Neonatal End-of-Life Care and Bereavement Follow-up. Fluid Electrolytes Nutrition, Gastrointestinal, and Renal Issues4 : Nutrition, Breastfeeding, Fluid and Electrolyte Managemen, Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia, Abnormalities of Serum Calcium and Magnesium, Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Renal Conditions. Respiratory Disorders5 : Mechanical Ventilation, Blood Gas and Pulmonary Function Monitoring, Apnea, Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia/Chronic Lung Disease, Meconium Aspiration, Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn, Pulmonary Hemorrhage, Pulmonary Air Leak, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Cardiovascular Disorders6 : Shock, Cardiac Disorders. Hematologic Disorders: Blood Products Used in the Newborns, Bleeding, Neonatal Thrombosis, Anemia, Polycythemia, Neonatal Thrombocytopenia. Infectious Diseases8 : Viral Infections, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, Congenital Toxoplasmosis, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Lyme Disease. Neurologic Disorders9 : Intracranial Hemorrhage, Perinatal Asphyxia and Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy, Neonatal Seizures, Neural Tube Defects. Bone Conditions10 : Orthopaedic Problems, Osteopenia (Metabolic Bone Disease) of Prematurity. Metabolism11 : Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Sexual Development12 : Disorders of Sex Development. Surgery13 : Surgical Emergencies in the Newborn. Dermatology14 : Skin Care. Auditory and Ophthalmologic Disorders15 : Retinopathy of Prematurity, Hearing Loss in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Graduates. Common Neonatal Procedures16 : Common Neonatal Procedures. Pain and Stress Control17 : Preventing and Treating Pain and Stress among Infants in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit.

Penulis : Neil S. Skolnik

Abstrak :

This Is Book About: Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology: What Does it Mean for Practicing Physicians1, A View from the Trenches: Primary Care Physicians on Electronic Health Records2, Selecting an EMR3, Pre-implementation Planning and Workflow Analysis4, Implementation5, Maintenance and Optimization6, A View from the Top: Reflections of Leaders in the Electronic Health Record Industry7.

Penulis : Lawrence F. Wolper

Abstrak :

This Is Book About: International Health Care: A Twelve-Country Comparison1, Organized Delivery Systems, Legal Implications of Business Arrangements in the Healthcare Industry2, Financial Management of Organized Healthcare Delivery Systems3, Labor and Employment Laws Applicable to Organized Delivery Systems4, The Management of Nursing Services5, Marketing Healthcare Services6, Healthcare Information Technologies in an Era of Healthcare Reform: A Complex Adaptive System Perspective7, Management Engineering8, Facility Design and Planning for Ambulatory Care Centers9, Quality and Patient Safety10.