Bidang Ilmu : Pariwisata
Penulis : C. Michael Hall, dkk
Abstrak :
This Book is About The consumption of experiences or the experience of consumption? An introduction to the tourism of taste, Consuming places: the role of food, wine and tourism in regional development, Consuming tourists: food tourism consumer behaviour, The demand for halal food among Muslim travellers in New Zealand, The world of cookery-school holidays, The lure of tea: history, traditions and attractions, Food and tourism in Papua New Guinea, Food trails in Austria, Food tourism in the Niagara Region: the development of a nouvelle cuisine, The lure of food: food as an attraction in destination marketing in Manitoba, Canada, The Bluff Oyster Festival and regional economic development: festivals as culture commodified, Food tourism in the Peak District National Park, England, Valorizing through tourism in rural areas: moving towards regional partnerships, Restaurants and local food in New Zealand, Linking food, wine and tourism: the case of the Australian capital region, Managing food and tourism developments: issues for planning and opportunities to add value, New global cuisine: tourism, authenticity and sense of place in postmodern gastronomy, The experience of consumption or the consumption of experiences? Challenges and issues in food tourism.