Bidang Ilmu : Pariwisata
Penulis : y Jeremy Boissevain and Tom Selwyn
Abstrak :
This Book is about Privatising the Mediterranean Coastline, Littoral Fishermen, Aquaculture, and Tourism in the Canary Islands: Attitudes and Economic Strategies, Between the Sea and the Land: Exploring the Social Organisation of Tourism Development in a Gran Canaria Fishing Village, Tourism, Kinship, and Social Change in Sennen Cove, Cornwall, Evaluating Contrasting Approaches to Marine Ecotourism: ‘Dive Tourism’ and ‘Research Tourism’ in the Wakatobi Marine National Park, Indonesia, Fishermen and the Creation of Marine Parks: Northern Sporades (Greece), Northern Cap de Creus (Catalonia), and the Iroise Sea (France), An Assessment of the Potential Interest of Fishermen to Engage in Boat-Chartering in the Context of a Marine Park: The Case of the Iroise Sea, Western Brittany, France, Marine and Coastal Issues in Local Environmental Conflict: Greece, Spain, and Portugal, Hotels, Tuna Pens, and Civil Society: Contesting the Foreshore in Malta, All Pervading Island Tourism: The Case of Texel, The Netherlands, Izola’s Fishermen between Yacht Clubs, Beaches, and State Borders: Connections between Fishing and Tourism.