Bidang Ilmu : Komputerisasi Akuntansi
Penulis : Fang Zhao
Abstrak :
This Is Book About Entrepreneurship and Innovation in E-Business: An Integrative Perspective, Exploring Rhizomic Becomings in Post Dot-Com Crash Networks: A Deleuzian Approach to Emergent Knowledge Dynamics, Innovation and B2B E-Commerce: Explaining What Did Not Happen, How E-Entrepreneurs Operate in the Context of Open Source Software, Personalized Relationship E-Marketing and the Small Medium-Sized Enterprise, Strategies for Virtual Learning and E Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, The Beginnings of a Postal E-Marketplace: Innovation or Natural Evolution? The Corprocure Story, Sensis.Com.Au: An Uprising Star of E-Innovation and E-Entrepreneurship, Using E- and M-Business Components in Business: Approaches, Cases, and Rules of Thumb And Others.