Abstrak :

This Is Book About Levels Of Organization, Support And Movement, Integration And Coordination, Transport, Absorption And Excretion, The Human Life Cycle.

Abstrak :

This Is Book About Basic Scientific Principles Of Physiology, Cells,Cellular Compartments, Transport Systems, Fluid Movement, Genetics, Tissue, The Skeletal System, The Muscular System, Circulatory System, The Cardiac System, The Digestive System, The Renal System, The Respiratory System, The Reproductive System, The Nervous System, The Senses, The Endocrine System, The Immune System, The Skin.

Abstrak :

This Is Book About Intyroductions And Statement On Adequacy , Reactive Changes, Athypical Squamos Cells, Endometrial Cells, Endometrial Ademocarcinoma, Candida, Herpes, Cytomegalovirus, Leptothricx.

Penulis : Putri Dafriani

Abstrak :

Buku Ini Memaparkan Struktur Dan Fungsi Dari Bagian-Bagian Tubuh Manusia Yang Berespon Dalam Kondisi Normal. Buku Ini Disusun Sedemikian Rupa Agar Mudah Dicerna Oleh Mahasiswa. Topik-Topik Yang Disajikan Pada Setiap Bagian Sesuai Dengan Sistematika Logika Mahasiswa. Topik Yang Sederhana Dijelaskan Sebelum Menjelaskan Topik Yang Lebih Rumit. Kehadiran Buku Ini Diharapkan Dapat Membantu Mahasiswa Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Sehingga Mata Kuliah Anatomi Dan Fisiologi Menjadi Salah Satu Mata Kuliah Yang Menyenangkan Dan Mampu Mendukung Pencapaian Kurikulum Mahasiswa Kesehatan.

Abstrak :

Buku Ini Membahas Mengenai Cara Pemeriksaan Pasien Terutama Saluran Pernafasan, Menjelaskan Mengenai Patofisiologi Gangguan Pernafasan Yang Sering Ditemui Di Masyarakat Di Antaranya Batuk, Asma, Dan Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis. Asuhan Kefarmasian Berupa Terapi Dijelaskan Menggunakan Pendekatan Kasus Dan Evidence-Based Medicine. Ketersediaan Buku Ini Sangat Membantu Baik Dosen Maupun Mahasiswa Yang Tertarik Dalam Bidang Farmakoterapi Untuk Mengatasi Masalah Pernafasan Terutama Asma Akut Maupun Kronis. Saat Ini Tidak Banyak Buku Ajar Yang Khusus Untuk Mahasiswa Farmasi Klinis, Oleh Karena Itu Buku Ini Patut Disambut Dengan Baik Dan Insya Allah Bermanfaat Untuk Dunia Pendidikan Farmasi Maupun Kesehatan Untuk Masyarakat Umumnya.

Abstrak :

This Is Book About What Are Health Promotion Programs1, Health Promotion Programs Designed To Eliminate Health Disparities2, Theory In Health Promotion Programs3, Planning Health Promotion Programs4, Assessing The Needs Of Program Participants5, Making Decisions To Create And Support A Program6, Implementing Health Promotion Programs7, Implementation Tools8, Program Staff And Budgets9, Advocacy10, Communicating Health Information Effectively11, Developing And Increasing Program Funding12, Evaluating And Sustaining Health Promotion Programs13, Evaluating And Improving A Health Promotion Program14, Leadership For Change And Sustainability15, Health Promotion Programs In Diverse Settings16, Promoting Health In Schools And Universities17, Patient-Focused Health Promotion Programs In Health Care Organizations18, Health Promotion Programs In Workplace Settings19, Promoting Community Health: Local Health Departments And Community Health Organizations20.

Penulis : William N. Rom

Abstrak :

This Is Book About The Clean Air Act and the National Environmental Policy Act1, Particulate Matter2, Ozone3, Sulfur Dioxide and Acid Rain4, Environmental Tobacco Smoke5, Children’s Environmental Health: Mercury and Lead6, The Role of Community Advocacy Groups in Environmental Protection: Example of September 11, 20017, The Medical Response to an Environmental Disaster: Lessons from the WorldTrade Center Attacks8, Chlorofluorocarbons and the Development of the Ozone Hole9, Global Warming Science and Consequences10, National Green Energy Plan11, Climate Change Policy Options12, Environmental Policy and the Land: Wilderness Preservation13, Environmental Policy and Advocacy Groups: The Wilderness Society: A Case Study14, Alaska: America’s Wilderness Frontier: A Case Study15, The Clean Water Act and Water Ecosystems16, Toxic Chemicals in the Environment: Government Regulations and Public Health17.

Abstrak :

This Is Book About Microbiology- The Science1, Viewing The Microbial Word2, Cell Structure And Taxonomy3, Microbial Diversity4, Biochemistry: The Chemistry Of Life5, Microbial Physiology And Genetics6, Controlling Microbial Growth In Vitro7, Controlling Microbial Growth In Vivo Using Antimicrobial Agents8, Microbial Ecology And Microbial Biotechnology9, Epidemiology And Public Health10, Diagnosing Infectious Diseases11, Pathogenesis Of Infectious Diseases12, Nonspecific Host Defense Mechanisms13, Specific Host Defense Mechanisms: An Introduction To Immunology14, Overview Of Infectious Diseases15, Viral Infecrions6, Bacterial Infections17, Fungal Infections18, Parasitic Infections19.

Abstrak :

This Is Book About Propositions And Predicates1, Mathematical Preliminaries2, The Theory Of Automata3, Formal Languages4, Regular Sets A~Tj) Regular Grammars5, Context·Free Languages6, Pushdown Automata7, Lr(K) Grammars8, Turing Machines And Linear Bounded Automata9, Decidability Aj\I'd Recursively El\Tu1\Ferable Languages10, Computability11, Complexity12.

Penulis : Ata Elahi

Abstrak :

This Is Book About Signals and Number Systems1, Boolean Logics and Logic Gates2, Minterms3, Maxterms4, Karnaugh Map (K-Map) and Universal Gates5, Combinational Logic6, Synchronous Sequential Logic7, Introduction to Computer Architecture8, Memory9, Assembly Language and ARM Instructions Part I10, ARM Instructions Part II11, ARM Assembly Language Programming Using Keil Development Tools12.