Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan
Penulis : Fatimah, Nuryaningsih
Abstrak :
Buku ini berisi tentang asuhan kebidanan kehaminal.
Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan
Penulis : World Health Organization
Abstrak :
This is book about External partners and observers,Identifying priority questions and outcomes , Integration of recommendations from published WHO guidelines , Focus and approach, Evidence identification and retrieval, Quality assessment and grading of the evidence, Formulation of the recommendations, Decision-making during the GDG meetings, Declaration of interests by external contributors, Document preparation and peer review, Presentation of guideline content, Evidence and recommendations, Care throughout labour and birth, First stage of labour, Second stage of labour, Third stage of labour, Care of the newborn, Care of the woman after birth, Implementation of this guideline: introducing the WHO intrapartum care model, Research implications, Dissemination, Applicability issues, Anticipated impact of the guideline on the organization of intrapartum care, Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the guideline, Updating of the guideline.
Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan
Abstrak :
This is book about Part A: Optimising Pregnancy Care, Part B: Core Practices In Pregnancy Care, Part C: Lifestyle Considerations, Part D: Clinical Assessments, Part E: Social And Emotional Screening, Part F: Routine Maternal Health Tests, Part G: Targeted Maternal Health Tests, Part H: Fetal Chromosomal Anomalies, Part I: Common Conditions Dur Ing Pregnancy, Part J: Clinical Assessments In Late Pregnancy
Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan
Penulis : Kemenkes RI
Abstrak :
Buku Saku Pelayanan Kesehatan Neonatal Esensial : Pedoman Teknis Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar
Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan
Abstrak :
This is Book about Preconception And Conception, Pregnancy, Puerperium And After, Organisational Aspects.
Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan
Penulis : Kemenkes RI
Abstrak :
Alat Bantu Pengambilan Keputusan Ber-KB : Alat Bantu Pengambilan Keputusan berKB dan Pedoman bagi KLien dan Bidan
Bidang Ilmu : Kebidanan
Abstrak :
Thi is Book about Chapter 1: Words to midwives Chapter 2: Treating health problems Chapter 3: A woman’s body in pregnancy Chapter 4: Helping women stay healthy Chapter 5: Preventing infection Chapter 6: Common changes in pregnancy Chapter 7: Learning a pregnant woman’s health history Chapter 8: Prenatal checkups Chapter 9: Getting ready for labor and birth Chapter 10: Giving good care during labor and birth Chapter 11: Opening: stage 1 of labor Chapter 12: Pushing: stage 2 of labor Chapter13: The birth of the placenta: stage 3 of labor Chapter 14: The first few hours after the birth Chapter 15: The first weeks after the birth 16: Breastfeeding Chapter 17: Family planning Chapter 18: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Chapter 19: Advanced skills for pregnancy and birth Chapter 20: The pelvic exam: How to examine a woman’s vagina and womb Chapter 21: How to insert an IUD Chapter 22: Helping a woman after a pregnancy ends early Chapter 23: Manual vacuum aspiration Chapter 24: Getting medical help Chapter 25: Homemade tools and teaching materials.